


A great debate rages today in the tech and educational communities and more broadly across the knowledge work sector of society. 媒体广泛报道了7.2022年4月,7%的员工在家办公,低于2020年5月的35%. 值得注意的是 这个数字背后的调查 特别询问了因疫情而远程工作的问题, 不是因为其他原因, 所以在某种程度上这是低估了.

Even accounting for that, the number would seem shockingly low for knowledge workers. 了解我们自己的员工, and reading comments on Y Combinator’s Hacker 新闻 forum discussing any article about remote vs. 内部工作, it’s clear that the flexibility of work-from-home arrangements is a major factor in attracting and retaining a sizable portion of our labor force. 大学年龄的学生也是如此, 他们中的一些人更喜欢在线课程, and many need the flexibility of online options to meet their scheduling demands. 其他学生和员工更喜欢现场体验, 这需要一种混合灵活的方法, 这意味着我们必须拿出合适的工具来完成这项工作.

如前一篇专栏文章所述, the name of the game for designing a hybrid classroom or meeting space is balancing inclusivity of the remote and on-premise audiences that a colleague sometimes refers to as the “zoomers” and “roomers,” respectively. 我们也知道 对于远程用户,主要关注的是音频质量:如果学生或会议参与者听不到对方的声音, 这次会议纯粹是浪费时间,令人沮丧.

最畅销的视频会议摄像机之一是 Meeting Owl 3(原Meeting Owl Pro) 来自Owl Labs(下图1). The primary selling point for this device is the AI-driven punch-in feature on the 360 camera dome on the top of the unit; the video sent from the classroom or meeting space to the remote audience is a well-framed shot of whoever around the camera is speaking, 或者最多3个人互相交谈. An optional panoramic strip at the top allows the remote audience to see everyone present. The on-premise display should show the remote audience in “gallery” view so everyone knows who’s attending (and so that the Owl doesn’t mistake a zoomer’s face on a TV for a roomer.) The Owl even has a follow-the-primary-speaker feature to support teachers who prefers to walk around while interacting with their classes.

图1. 猫头鹰实验室见猫头鹰

更让我印象深刻的是Owl处理音频的方式. It has an 8-microphone array that it uses to identify probable roomer speaking locations to punch in the camera on that does an excellent job of capturing audio that’s reasonably close to the device. Owl还内置了清晰的扬声器, so the sound of your remote audience comes from the direction you should be looking toward when you interact with them.

Another unusual feature that promotes zoomer inclusivity allows the remote audience to interrupt the local audience. Usually a videoconferencing system would privilege its microphone over its speaker to avoid echo, 但这种“双关”的设置逆转了这种偏见.

另一个值得研究的工具是 罗技聚光灯演示远程 (下面的图2). This device is a hybrid-friendly laser pointer and slide advancer that promotes inclusivity when it comes to sharing visual aids with remote students or meeting attendees. If you were sharing screen and highlighting portions of the screen with a traditional tool like a laser pointer or a yardstick, the remote audience would have a significantly degraded view of what you intend to call attention to. The Spotlight functions fairly similarly to a Nintendo WiiMote or JoyCon, detecting motion to move a virtual laser pointer around the visual aid that can indicate or even magnify the target of your gestures.

图2. 罗技聚光灯演示远程

需要一点时间来适应, but this feature substantially improves the remote audience’s experience, 不仅可以进行实时会议,还可以同步上课, but also for recorded lectures where you want to walk around while interacting with your visual aids instead of annotating them with a tablet or mouse.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


Software developers are trained in accessibility issues for front-end development and basic concepts like labeling control elements and reporting state changes to assistive technology—screen-readers—are part of a professional developer's code testing procedures. 尽管取得了这些进展, two very different forces are swirling with the potential to push back on the trend towards better technological inclusion of the disabled.


Software developers are trained in accessibility issues for front-end development and basic concepts like labeling control elements and reporting state changes to assistive technology—screen-readers—are part of a professional developer's code testing procedures. 尽管取得了这些进展, two very different forces are swirling with the potential to push back on the trend towards better technological inclusion of the disabled.


直到最近, if a teacher wanted to produce a DIY instructional video untethered to a fixed point in front of a camera, they'd need to remotely control either a pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) head or a multicamera switcher. With the arrival of competent and inexpensive facial recognition software, several consumer videoconferencing cameras now offer automatic framing to allow teachers or other presenters to move around a scene to better engage with viewers and interact with props and visual aids.


YouTube Player for Education is something to keep an eye on as it matures in 2023. 我不认为它会成为一项特别具有颠覆性的技术, but it will prove a welcome way for teachers who are exceptionally on camera to augment their teaching salaries.


一种学校常用的流媒体技术, 会议中心, 和礼拜堂是但丁(通过以太网的数字音频网络). A Dante-enabled device can be plugged into a Dante network using a standard Category 5e or Category 6 network cable; the network connects devices using either 100Mbps or gigabit network switches, 通常具有以太网供电(PoE)功能.


面对面还是虚拟? 不再是非此即彼了, and schools and universities need to have clear strategies for delivering hybrid education to their students.


中国提供了一个特别有趣的全球课堂案例研究, due to both its huge population size and the difficulty of operating in its networks.


是时候“升级”你的视频教学策略了. 这里有一些概念可以帮助你做到这一点.

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