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教程:如何在Adobe Premiere Pro中创建数据驱动的标题


Data-driven title templates deployed in Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2019 are a powerful tool that will help 大多数 editors in some small ways and some editors, 尤其是那些制作大量数据驱动图形的人, 在很大程度上. 在本教程中, 您将了解什么是数据驱动模板, 到哪里去找?, 以及如何应用和定制它们.


作为概述, you build these templates in After Effects and save them as MOGRT (MOtion GRaphics Template) files that you can deploy in After Effects and Premiere Pro. Note that you have to be running the 2019 versions of both programs, which don’t run on Windows 7. 如果你一直抵制Windows 10的话, that’s likely $199 you’ll have to pay for the privilege of working with data-driven MOGRT files. 在Premiere Pro 2019, you can customize the data within the template and change those aspects of the template that the After Effects designer allows you to change.

例如, 图1(下面) shows the Adobe template on the left, and the version I customized is on the right. 如你所见, 我改变了数据, 背景颜色, 主标题, 对于那些特别敏锐的观众来说, 模板中的“k”后缀改为右侧的“%”. To be clear, I changed all this in Premiere Pro, not in After Effects.

图1. 左侧为MOGRT模板,右侧为定制版本

此外, I input the data by dragging a CSV file into Premiere Pro and syncing the contents, 正如您将在本教程后面看到的那样. You don’t need to do it this way; you can edit the numerical content and other data directly in Premiere Pro without creating a spreadsheet. 然而, 如果你正在创建一个包含多个图形的视频, 表, 或者其他数据驱动的图形, you can deploy the MOGRT multiple times and drag a different spreadsheet to customize each.

The traditional alternative was to create the charts in Google Sheets or Excel, 保存图形, 然后输入并部署到Premiere Pro中. This wasn’t always a horrible workflow, but if the numbers changed, you’d have to repeat the process. 如果在部署MOGRT时数字发生了变化, 您只需修改并保存CSV文件和图形更新. Clearly, this is interesting for producers of videos with lots of math-driven graphics.

这对我们其他人来说意味着什么? 你是否经常给你的作品添加字幕? 您可以使用相同的模式来填充积分MOGRT, 在电子表格中输入名称并拖动CSV(请参阅 图8). Back when I was producing two ballet videos per year for my wife’s ballet company, 我停止添加学分,因为它很麻烦, 耗费时间的, 且容易出错, 而且没有办法委派工作.

有了这个特性, I could send a spreadsheet to my wife and ask her nicely to fill in the data and return the spreadsheet. 一个快速导入就搞定了. That’s something anyone who produces a video with credits should get excited about.

The other scenario that may be interesting to some producers is creating an animated lower-third or similar template that you can populate by dragging in a CSV file and selecting the correct name or other descriptors by row number in the CSV file. 就我所知, Adobe没有创建任何支持此模式的模板, 所以我不能测试它.


在很大程度上, your ability to use data-driven templates is tied your ability to either find useful templates, 自己创造它们, 或者付钱(或说服)其他人为你制作游戏. At the time of this writing (February 2019), there were very few templates.

这篇文章是在没有定制制作预算的情况下分配的, 我发现After Effects只比梵文稍微好一点. So, my testing was limited to the free templates that Adobe provides.

开始访问Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2019中的模板, switch to the Graphics workspace by choosing Window > Workspace > Graphics. 有两种方法可以查看和浏览可用的模板. One is to search for them in the Essential Graphics panel by clicking Adobe Stock and searching for “data-driven MOGRT,” which will deliver the result shown in 图2 (there are four pages of these templates; 下面的图2,只显示第一页). Then you can drag them into your projects and deploy them as described below.

图2. 在Adobe Stock中寻找数据驱动的MOGRT模板

The other approach is to download datadriven MOGRT templates from Adobe Stock (http://go2sm.com/stock) and manually input them into your project as described in Adobe’s Help documents at go2sm.com/motion. It’s pretty simple; just download the templates to a known location, 在基本图形面板中单击我的模板, and use a barely visible plus (+) sign on the bottom right of the panel to import the MOGRT.

在我找到一个放大镜并找到那个加号之后, 我使用这种方法是因为我知道在哪里存储MOGRT文件. 这允许我在After Effects中打开它们. 为什么这是积极的呢?

Interestingly, the biggest hassle I encountered when using these templates was creating the CSV file. If you don’t format it correctly, you can’t use the data, and that happened to me multiple times. 当将MOGRT文件输入到After Effects时, you have to choose a folder where the program opens and stores the template. If you dig into the folders, you’ll notice the CSV file that populates the data in the template (下面的图3). Once I started using this CSV as the starting point for my spreadsheets, 大多数, 但并非全部, 我的问题都消失了.

图3. 将MOGRT导入After Effects后, 我找到了简化整个过程的CSV文件.

I’m guessing that if you drag the MOGRT directly from the Adobe Stock tab in the Essential Graphics panel into a Premiere Pro sequence, the MOGRT file is stored somewhere on your hard drive where you can access it and import it into After Effects. But I liked the certainty of downloading the template into my Downloads folder so I knew where it was. So, I downloaded the MOGRT files from the Adobe Stock website and imported them manually.


Either way you get it done, once you do, the template will appear in the Essential Graphics panel. From there, drag it into the sequence like you would any other template (下面的图4).

图4. 在时间轴上部署的模板

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