


AI dubbing is poised to dramatically transform the broadcast media industry as recently developed solutions are set to be widely implemented. 

众多配音初创公司加入了人工智能的淘金热, 利用对可负担内容本地化的需求. 其解决方案可将生产成本降低30-50%, these companies have the potential to transform the media and creative industries. 

For now, investors and the media are struggling with the challenge of evaluating new solutions. However, in 2024 the focus is shifting to the potential costs of emerging tools and their impact on the media industry.  

The major players in media localization are determined to stay ahead in the AI game. 总部位于伦敦的VSI集团, 它提供全球80多种语言的媒体本地化服务, hired Scott Rose as CTO to ensure that “VSI remains involved with the development of AI in relation to dubbing.”


The year 2023 will remain in our memory as the period when the first niche leaders in AI voice translation and dubbing for content localization emerged.  

自动配音与人的触摸. These solutions pioneered hybrid translation, where humans finalize AI-powered dubbing. 在这一领域掀起波澜的初创公司包括 Papercup and Deepdub (2022年各融资2000万美元). Their end-to-end translation service is targeted at the media industry and guarantees the quality required by major broadcasters.  

人工智能DIY翻译工具 允许用户, 比如自由内容创作者和小企业, to translate their videos with AI and then make edits on their own. 这样的解决方案, 海根提供, rely on natural-sounding speech synthesis and text-to-speech software developed by Eleven Labs. 

实时翻译解决方案 are being Zoom开发. Due to some technical limitations, we may have to wait a while for a breakthrough.  


直到最近, 人工智能在本地化“事实内容”方面表现良好, such as documentaries and educational programs with less emotional variability, 更少的声音, 在这里,完美的对口型并不重要.

This is because historically AI voices were designed for car navigation assistance or robot vacuum cleaners, 有一两种情绪. Despite being indistinguishable from human voices, they sounded too perfect and flat. 

In 2024, 随着技术的进步, 人工智能将越来越多地应用于电影, animation, series, 以及其他内容. Synthesized voices have already become more emotionally expressive, sounding increasingly human. 

语音克隆使这一突破成为可能. Now, a single AI model can support a wide range of emotions and intonation. Voice cloning also helped facilitate the creation of ad-hoc voices, which was previously unavailable in AI-powered dubbing solutions. 

However, the industry now faces the responsibility of establishing regulations and ensuring an ethical use of human voice. Last year was marked by scandals involving cloning voices of actors who signed away their rights decades ago, 早在人工智能出现之前. 

往好的方面想, technological advancements in voice cloning could contribute to improving voice acting, for example, 通过纠正发音.

另一个重要的改进是视觉效果 假唱是新的原型 出现在2023年. They were mainly designed for simple content and had errors that required human correction. Now, there are fewer technological constraints, and next year the solutions will develop further.


With more AI tools available, many industries and career paths are facing a radical transformation. Here are some of the new opportunities related to AI dubbing that could emerge next year: 

AI配音经理, 或证明听众, will be fine-tuning AI dubbing systems tailored to specific industries or types of content. This role could include listening to the automatic voice overs to grasp cultural nuances, 完善话音调制, 然后改正. Some actors and interpreters may transition into this profession as it evolves.

人工智能增强产品的创意总监 将指导通过人工智能配音开发的创意内容. They will ensure that the technology enhances rather than diminishes the overall artistic and emotional impact.

演员授权他们的人工智能生成的声音 每次使用会收费吗. More tools will enter the market, enabling individuals to generate their voices with AI. 演员们将能够根据自己的声音创造新的声音.  


This year will be marked by heated regulatory discussions, with the U.S. working on 新的行政命令 欧盟正在准备其人工智能规则手册. The impact of these regulatory disparities on the global tech market remains to be seen. 

The number of AI video translation and dubbing services will continue growing in 2024 as it becomes easier to launch new platforms and services. 最重要的是, the last frontier — capturing emotion and modulation distinguishing human voices from AI-generated ones — will finally be crossed.

[编者注:这是来自 Dubformer. 流媒体 accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]


引领媒体人工智能的未来 & 娱乐:自我破坏或自我毁灭?

Media and entertainment companies of all sizes struggle to attract and retain audiences eager to find and consume content that interests them. Because content is abundant with too many options to navigate and pay for—and switching costs are low—profitability has eluded many providers. 媒体和娱乐公司该如何应对? 许多公司正转向新的盟友:人工智能.


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To ensure a high-quality viewing experience—while maintaining compliance with regional regulations—it's imperative that audio and captions are in alignment. This can be achieved efficiently and cost-effectively with an auto-alignment system that utilizes machine learning. The result is a viewing experience that meets the high expectations of today's global audiences and drives growth.