48小时电影计划, Part 2: Accelerating the Edit in Apple 最后 Cut Pro X
无论速度有多快, 非常高效。, 并确定了48小时电影计划的制作团队, 他们需要通过精简的编辑来完成. 最后.revised editor 斯科特Strimple describes how Apple 最后 Cut Pro X allowed him to deliver the goods on deadline, 通过利用关键功能,可以使任何编辑烹饪.
在第一部分 制作一个48小时的电影项目赢家我们听说了球队是如何决赛的.修改了他们的伪纪录片的包装拍摄 徒步巡逻 in as few as 15 hours for the hold-onto-your-hat-style 48小时电影计划 (www.48 hourfilm.com)在弗吉尼亚州里士满举行的比赛.
The team went into Sunday morning with a very rough cut completed. 时钟仍在朝着七点半的方向稳步前进.m.,最终.订正深吸了一口气. 他们能完成并调整编辑吗, 正确的颜色, 添加视觉效果和音乐, output, 并将影片及时交给比赛组织者?
节省时间在FCP X
A decision they had made back in June at their planning meeting, 比赛开始前几周, 会有什么不同吗. 如第1部分所述, the team originally aimed to shoot more or less in sequence and put together "mini movies" throughout the day to get a jumpstart on the editing.
但当周六雷雨袭来时, and with the entire concept of the movie relying on an outdoor setting, that idea fizzled as they scrambled to readjust the scene shooting schedule. 幸运的是,最后.revised had agreed to cut in Apple 最后 Cut Pro X, a program that acting editor 斯科特Strimple (联合婚庆电影),自发布以来已成功利用. In this deadline-driven contest, FCP X bought the team valuable time in two very important ways.
整个项目在FCP X
实时转码到ProRes 422
第一个, 不像FCP 7, FCP X saved them time by transcoding footage into Apple ProRes 422 in real time, 当他们把它导入事件时. This afforded Strimple the flexibility to start the edit while concurrently ingesting footage. 与去年相比, 当, Strimple说, "We spent the whole day and much of the night transcoding. 这很痛苦. We couldn't get very far with the edit until that was finished."
Sorting and Cataloguing Shots with FCP X's Database Functionality
Second, FCP X offers a "phenomenal" database functionality, Strimple说. 再一次。, 不像FCP 7 (which they used last year to cut their award-winning short Summer League) and earlier versions, FCP X made cataloguing shots in the field almost effortless. 随着录像的收集, Strimple immediately assigned meaningful file names and keyword metadata to each sequence.
剪辑编目和组织在FCP X
另外, he could make certain takes his "favorites" while selecting "reject" for those clips he did not want to see. With the footage already organized just as shooting wrapped, finding the right takes at 3 a.m. “要简单得多,”斯特伦普回忆道. 例如, 当 he was searching for a clip with the bigfoot print in the sand he simply selected "bigfoot print in sand" and received a handful of useful clips.
Favorite and rejected scenes organized for 非常高效。 access before editing
Even 当 he didn't assign a specific meaningful name to a clip, the powerful keyword functionality of FCP X enabled him to be able to search clips that were titled something arbitrary like MVI.轻松而迅速地.
在我们新教程系列的第一部分中, 格伦·埃利奥特揭秘最后 Cut Pro X, 说明其核心功能, and focuses on one of the most powerful new features for organizing, 加速, 精简你的编辑:元数据关键字标签.
Background noise and pops and clicks in audio are an unfortunate fact of life for many productions. In this tutorial we'll explore some fixes you can try in 最后 Cut Pro X.
The histogram and the waveform in Apple 最后 Cut Pro X are effective, easy-to-master tools that provide the clear input you need to diagnose and fix the contrast issues in your video simply and intelligently. In this video tutorial, video editing and encoding expert Jan Ozer explains how they work.
The 48小时电影计划 offers filmmakers a chance at fame and glory and unleashed creativity, along with the insanity of producing a film from pre to post in two days. 斯科特Strimple, 连续两年担任48HFP获奖作品的编辑, recounts what it was like putting together this year's film. In Part 2 he'll discuss the instrumental role Apple 最后 Cut Pro X played in editing and delivering the film with a cool 9 minutes to spare.